Legacy Giving MOW-SUW
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Become a Sustaining Donor

Donating a legacy gift to Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah and Wasatch is a great way to make a lasting impact in your community. By including Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah and Wasatch in your will or estate plan, you help secure the future of Meals on Wheels and ensure that seniors in our community get the nourishment and daily visit they need for years to come.

The most straightforward way you can make a legacy donation is by including Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah and Wasatch in your will or estate plan.


If you are creating or amending your will, you can use the following specific language for bequests to Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah and Wasatch:

I [your name] give to Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah and Wasatch, at 586 E 800 N, Orem UT 84097, EIN #84-1383486, [percent of my estate, or the sum of dollars], or the remainder of my estate.


Another easy and tax-beneficial way to include Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah and Wasatch in your estate plan is by designating it as a beneficiary in a life insurance policy or your retirement account. Designate Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah and Wasatch, EIN #84-1383486, and contact your insurance agent or financial planner to confirm your plans.

There are numerous other ways to make legacy gifts and Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah and Summit is happy to work with you and your financial planner to accommodate your needs. And if you plan to make a legacy gift, we’d love to hear from you! Contact our Director of Development Kris Nelson at 801-229-3806 or 385-225-7583 to discuss your legacy giving plans.


Taking advantage of your employer’s workplace giving program is a great way to multiply the impact of your donation through a matching gift to Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah and Wasatch. Many employers provide matching gifts, so it pays to check with your company to see if they’ll match your contribution.

How do I find out if my employer matches donations?

Even if you’re not aware of a matching donation policy, check with your human resources or payroll department to see if a program exists. Some companies have matching gift policies that aren’t broadly advertised.

Can I donate through United Way?

While Meals on Wheels is not a designated agency of the United Way, you may request that contributions to United Way go directly to Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah and Wasatch. If you’d like to designate Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah and Wasatch as the recipient of a donation to United Way, ask your employer for a donor designation form or further instruction.

If you have any questions on workplace giving, please contact us at 801-229-8306 or info@mowsuw.org.

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Contact Us
Meals on Wheels Summit, Utah & Wasatch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the IRS | Number 84-1383486.

586 East 800 North, Orem, UT 84097